Day 42, Payback: Miun-Gei

Filthy Lizard

Filthy Lizard

This is Miun-Gei, an unassuming lizard who runs an enchanting store in Vivec. Unknown to most, he is also a frequent customer of the Dark Brotherhood. More relevantly, he’s the faggot that forced me to meet Crassius Curio.

Apparently some annoying fool was selling wares outside his store, scaring off all the customers. After a bit of investigation, I discovered that this fool wanted to join a theatre troupe, heard that Crassius Curio was running one, and, well, I’m sure you can figure out the rest for yourself. If you can’t, let this image be enough:

If only I could quickload in my life, and choose not to touch this book...

And thus were my eyes forever damned.

And for the sexual harassment and unadulterated leers I was put through, my reward was an iron spear, enchanted with minor shock damage. So minor that you could probably reproduce the effect by shuffling your feet on a rug. One could argue that I was bound to meet Crassius at some stage – maybe as part of Telvanni duties, or perhaps during the battle against Dagoth Ur – but I am far too petty to let such a triviality get in the way of my revenge.

So now I’m going to make him pay. Of course, now that I have all this gold to last me till I leave, I don’t really need to get paid – the gist is that I want him to lose assets proportional to what I suffered in the past. And if that happens to be everything he owns, so be it.

I’m sleeping at the Black Shalk Cornerclub in Vivec. This happens to be located in the same canton as Miun-Gei’s shop, so I’m gonna get this one out of the way right now. From my room I melt an opening in the wall and begin magicfinger-tunneling my way to his shop. Eventually I reach it.

So far, so good

So far, so good

I end up in his bedroom. From here I apply all the stealth-oriented spells I have available and sneak up to the first floor, where I find him managing his shop. I sneak up behind him and swiftly incapacitate him.



Now that he’s out cold, his store is my playground. I swipe the scrolls, I swipe the weapons, I swipe the soulgems. I nick his knacks, steal all the tissues and even his pillow. With all the scrutiny and meticulousness of a rabid gerbil, I steal everything he owns, be it semi-valuable enchantments or worthless clutter. To finish it off, I rifle through his pockets and take out all the goods he had on hand, as well.

And now to dispose of the evidence, I dump it all in the sea:


Before he even gets back up, I’m back in my bed, the tunnel is sealed, and noone is the wiser as to what happened.

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